Tuesday, August 27, 2019



Assalamualaikum and hi there! My name is Ezryana Shazleen Binti Mohd Nizar. People call me by my nickname which is Aleen. I was born on the 18th of July 2001 at Hospital Tanjong Karang, Selangor. I have 2 little brothers and 2 little sisters which makes me the oldest child in my family. I'm studying at UiTM Jengka in Diploma in Science. This blog is about UED 102 study skills.


1.Getting ready to learn

- Making the transition (from school to university)

- Characteristics of successful students

- Using learning styles to enhance performance

2.Goal setting

- Setting goals for the new semester
- Writing effective goal statements
- Using the Learning Management System

3.Library & campus resources

- Using the resources in the library
- Making the most of college resources

4.Time management & organizational skills

- Optimizing study time
- Organizing study time
- Using time-management strategies to stay motivated
- Reducing procrastination

5. Memory, improving & improvement concentrating 

- Understanding memory processes
- Memory strategies
- Understanding concentration
- Strategies for improving concentration
- Reading/study system (SQ3R)

6.Taking lecture notes

- Taking lecture notes

- Effective note-taking system

7.Academic integrity & performance

- Avoiding plagiarism

- Calculating grade point average

TOPIC 1: Getting Ready To Learn

Making the Transition (from school to university)

After finishing high school, we will enter a very different studying vibe in terms of environment, learning, time and friends.

Here are the comparison between school and university:-

Learning Styles & Characteristic of Successful Students


-Easy to visualize the object
-Excellent organizer
-Can envision imagery steadily


-Good at explaining the idea
-Able to work together
-Skilled in presentation and oral


-High level of energy
-Excellent experimenters
-Great hand-eye coordinate

Activity 1: Identify Your Learning Style Inventory

By answering the quiz from the link below:-


Here are some tips that visual learners like you can do to learn better:

-Sit near the front of the classroom
-Have your eyesight checked regularly
-Use flashcards to learn some new words
-Try to visualize things that you will hear or things that are read to you
-Write down some keywords, ideas, or instructions
-Draw pictures to help explain new concepts and then explain the pictures
-Color code things
-Avoid distractions during study times

Topic 2: Goal Setting

What is 'GOAL'?

-It can also be called as an aim of an action, target or objective that we want to achieve.
-It is important to have a goal in everything that we are working on so that we will put a lot of effort to achieve something that we want in the future.

The Importance of GOALS

-Give us motivation
-Trust ourselves more
-Find the true path
-Pushover the limit

Characteristic of GOAL


Activity 2: Managing Your Goal

The five-step approach

Topic 3: Time Management

Time management is the process of controlling and planning time on some specific activities. To reduce stress and have some free time in university life is by having good time management.

The Importance of Time

-Improve your self-discipline
-Improve the quality of work
-Reduce stress
-Open up some new possibilities
-Helps personal relationship

Strategies To Manage Time

-Daily planner
-Weekly schedule
-Semester calendar
-Academic vs personal life
-Avoid procrastination


-The action of delaying or postponing something.

Tips To Manage Time Properly

-Do your task based on the priority
-Organize your activities
-Use calendar
-Arrange your sleep time

UED 102 Grouping Assignment: 5 Important Places In UiTM Jengka


Activity 1: Personal schedule

Fixed-commitment Calendar

Activity 2: Designating Priorities

Job Task Analysis

Activity 3: Priority To-Do List

Topic 4: Library And Campus Resources

Place: Al-Bukhari Library 2
Librarian: En. Fadhil

Three Types of The Campus Resources:

1.Academic resources: library, lab, Hal Ehwal Akademik (HEA) and etc.
2.Housing, Dining, and Transportation Resources: buses, college, ATM machine, masjid and etc.
3.Student organization: Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP), computer, field and etc.

Group Activity: UED 102 video

Topic 5: Memory, Learning & Improving Concentration

Types of Memory:

-Sensory Memory: The ability to take information from our senses
-Short Trem Memory: The capacity to hold a small amount of information in our mind in an active, readily available state for a short period.
-Long Term Memory: The storage of information over expended time 

Memory strategies

-Change from study hard to study smart
-Always repetition
-Use acronyms, imagery, and organization strategies

Concentrating Strategies

-Train yourself to look, snap and connect
-Find your learning style
-Eat healthy food 
-Medical care
-Get enough sleep

Causes of Forgetfulness

-Lack of sleep
-Stress and anxiety

What Is Brain?

-The brain is an organ of the main control center for all the body system
-It is located inside the head

Left vs Right Brain

Activity 1: Answering Question

Dr. Agustono gave us some questions to answer. (activity 4-1: Van Blerkom,2009, pg 90)

Activity 2: Concentration Chart

Topic 6: Taking Lecture Notes 

Notes-Taking Strategies

-Well organized in outline form
-Separate note and label for each class
-Easy to read
-Simple but compact
-Use visuals
-Use your own language

Why Review Notes Are So Important?

-we lose about 80% of what we hear from the lecturer
-Easy to identify our weakness in the subjects
-Easy to revise

Notes Taking Using Cornell Method

Example Note Using Cornell Method

Topic 7: Academic Integrity And Performance

What Is Plagiarism?

-It is pirating someone else's words or ideas and passing them off as their own

Tips To Avoid Plagiarism

-Use your own creativity
-Confident with your idea
-Always ask lecturer or friends if you have any problems
-Paraphrase by putting something you read into your own words
-Quoting a sentence exactly the way it appears

GPA Worksheet

Calculation of GPA And CGPA

Course and Grade (first semester)
Course Point Average
Comparative Animal Physiology: 3 credits, earned a grade of B+
Biochemistry 1: 4 credits, earned a grade of C-
Integrated Physiology Lab: 1 credit, earned a grade of A
Asian Civilization 1: 3 credits, earned a grade of C-
Ecology: 3 credits, earned a grade of  A
Korean 1: 3 credits, earned a grade of  B
Total Number of Credits=
Total Points Earned=